The New CODE 11.59 by Audemars Piguet Replica Watches

Audemars Piguet Replica Watches Very simply because there has been no product launch of this magnitude over the past 20 years for the brand. Picture this, 13 new references, 6 news models, 3 brand new calibres – including the much awaited in-house integrated chronograph! The ambition: to write a new page in the brand’s history, creating a new pillar in the collection next to the Royal Oak, Royal Oak Offshore, Royal Oak Concept and Millenary.


The Royal Oak is an established icon and one of the most successful fake watches today on the market. Some brands just stick to what they do well. Having such a strong product is a unique asset but putting all your eggs in one basket has its risks.The 1972 Royal Oak was highly disruptive in its day, and later followed the Royal Oak Offshore and the Royal Oak Concept.

In general, mono-product business models are also not the best for repeat purchases, although Audemars Piguet, with the line-up of different models and styles within the RO collection seems unaffected by this.